★★★★★★  網路購票方式  ★★★★★★

感謝您對 MOON FAIRY PROJECT 廠牌活動的支持。您在網路購票系統成功後,系統將會發送一組QR碼到您的e-mail信箱,請拍照保存。6/11.12.13 活動當天到現場票口站出示您的專屬QR碼,並核對姓名/身分證號。完成後即交付 ''實體票券'' 與 '' 戴上入場手環'' 。謝謝您的支持,祝福順心愉快,期待6月奇蹟~活動見 ☺️


About Online Tickets Booking :

Thank you for your support to MOON FAIRY PROJECT label activities. After you have successfully purchased the online ticket system, will send a QR-code to your e-mail, please take a photo and save it. On the day of the event, show your QR-code at the ticket gate, and check your name / Passport Number.  The ``physical ticket'' and ``put on the admission wristband '' will be delivered. Wish you have a nice journey, looking forward to meet you at Miracle Festival in June ~ see you at the event !!




●•·٠•● 一場融合多元藝術文化的Psytrance戶外音樂藝術節 ●•·٠•●

◉ 親愛的族人,我們帶著祝福回來了,在2021年夏天創造充滿愛的奇蹟。經歷了不容易的去年,我們學會包容.體諒.團結,一切源自於愛,我們是被祝福的禮物,因為愛讓我們珍惜生命的美好。

◉ 今年夏天,我們在Psytrance音樂裡的約定,一起在陽光下,滿天星空裡舞蹈~感受深山廣闊的山谷,廣大叢林包圍的神秘仙境,在池畔聆聽蟲鳴鳥叫....與大自然和平相處。伴隨著充滿宇宙能量的Psytrance音樂,神乎其技的UV螢光裝置藝術創作....大地精靈們一起舞蹈吧!創造屬於我們的月光奇蹟~


◉ Dear Psyfamily, we are back, with love and blessings. Create a miracle story with full of love in the summer of 2021. After a difficult last year, we learned to be tolerant, considerate, and united. Everything comes from love. We are a blessed gift, because love makes us cherish the happiness of life.

◉ Experience an atmosphere of mystery, peace, and freedom, with lots of love and smile~



◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ LOCATION 場地資訊 ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

Date 日期:2021 / 06 / 11.12.13
Time 時間:16:00 ( 11th ) - 16:00 ( 13th )
Location 地點:
> 苗栗縣三灣鄉竹湖15-1號「棠春休閒莊園」
> No.15-1, Zhuhu, Sanwan Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan



🔸創意市集 Creative market:
🔸美味餐點區 Foods area:
🔸交通-接駁巴士 Pick up bus :
🔸露營-帳篷租借 Tent for rent :
🔸民宿-住宿資訊 Guest house:



●•٠·●•٠· LINE UP 音樂藝術主舞台 ·٠•●·٠•●

❂ BARFLY (BPM Production)
❂ BIG / Taiwan
❂ COUGAR (Starck & Co)
❂ DUCKIE (Moon Fairy Project/EF Revolution) USA
❂ KOALA (Vantara Vichitra Rec / 26D)
❂ MOOKS / Taiwan
❂ MOUSE (Moon Fairy Project / IIIusion Space)
❂ MORPHEUS (Cosmic Worm)
❂ PSYFROG (Moon Fairy Project) Thailand
❂ SONIYA (Moon Fairy Project)
❂ SPIKE & LALALAND (Cosmic Worm)
❂ ROOTED VEK (A Higher Place)
❂ Taxi PsyProg (Insonitus Rec/Moon Fairy Project)
❂ THEENDTONE (Moon Fairy Project/Bocaraka Recs) Costa Rica
❂ VICE CITY (Oslated)
❂ YIEH (Purist)
❂ ZAKOLIA (Psymeals / Lonely Planet Recs)


♫♫ CHILL OUT STAGE 輕音樂舞台 ♫♫

❂ SHWAMP (Fractal system) France
❂ @L (BPM)
❂ DUCKIE (EF Revolution) USA
❂ MOOKS / Taiwan
❂ MOUSE (IIIusion Space)
❂ YUAN / Taiwan



♫♫ Art Live Show 部落民族藝術樂器演奏 ♫♫

Coming Soon.......




◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ VJ VISION 視覺藝術 ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈
❂ PeacePipe Visions / Taiwan


◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ DECOR 裝置藝術 ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈
❂ 神木的孩子 / Taiwan
❂ COSMA ART DECO / Russian


◈ ◈ ◈ VISUAL DESIGN 文宣設計 ◈ ◈ ◈
❂ ZEIDGEIZ / Malaysia


◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ PHOTOGRAPHS 攝影 ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈
❂ 董澄民 大哥
❂ 阿沁
❂ 譚士元


◈ ◈ LIVE PAINTING 現場藝術繪畫創作 ◈ ◈
❂ 靈魂印象心靈繪畫 /瑪麗 MARY HAN
❂ Holly - Animate the Earth



●•٠·●•٠· 愛 / 和平 / 分享 / 學習 ·٠•●·٠•●
●●●● LOVE / PEACE / SHARE / LEARN ●●●●

-------- 免費報名參加FREE COURSE --------
— 大自然手作互動教學 & 藝術能量靜心課程 —
ॐ Art Hand Made Course & Energy Course ॐ

❂ 奇蹟種子 - KIDS 手作糖果 / JOYCE
❂ 能量自在染 - 染你的當下 / 歐陽百洲 . Celine
❂ 曼陀羅花園 - 靜心能量彩繪 / DEE



◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ADMISSION FEE 門票價格 ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈


🌺本次活動主辦單位將提撥結算總盈餘部分捐助 [政府社會局指定之育幼院] 做公益,為他們點亮心中的奇蹟。

After event is over, we will donate part of the amount to [Kindergarten Homes designated by the Government and Social Affairs Bureau] for charity and light up the miracle in their hearts.


🔳 早鳥票銷售時間:2021/03/01 ~ 03/07
Presale "Phase 1" : 完售 SOULD OUT

🔳 中鳥票銷售時間:2021/03/08 ~ 04/20
Presale "Phase 2" : 完售 SOULD OUT

🔳 晚鳥票銷售時間:2021/04/21 ~ 06/06
Presale "Phase 3" : 2700 NT (with 1 Drink)

🔳 現場票 At Door : 3500 NTD (with 1 Drink)

▓ 12歲以下孩童免門票,12歲以上未滿18歲門票半價 ( 需家長陪同 )
▓ Children under 12 years old- free entrance
Children from 12-18 years old-half price
Come with parents.



Tickets are also included camping, hot shower rooms and parking.


The event has been insured with public accident liability insurance to prevent accidents, and participants are guaranteed.



★★★ ORGANIZER 主辦單位 ★★★

❂ MOON FAIRY 月精靈服飾




●•٠·●•٠· DIRECTIONS 交通資訊 ·٠•●·٠•●

►►► 搭車方式:
☞ 選擇A:搭高鐵
高鐵至 [ 苗栗站 ] 下車後,從出口(1) 搭 [ 高鐵快捷公車 (101A) ]至 [ 竹南火車站] 下車後:
(選1) 在7-11對面搭 [ 苗栗客運 (5805) ] 至 [ 下北灣站 ] 下車,東頂道-左轉,步行3.3公里可到活動現場。
(選2) 走到站內的 [ 東 ] 出口有計程車排班,或撥打55688-台灣大車隊,火車站開車至活動現場30分鐘車程。
☞ 選擇B:搭台鐵火車
台鐵火車至 [ 竹南站 ] 下車後,往 [ 東 ] 出口:
(選1) 在7-11對面搭 [ 苗栗客運 (5805) ] 至 [ 下北灣站 ] 下車,東頂道-左轉,步行3.3公里可到活動現場。
(選2) 走到站內的 [ 東 ] 出口有計程車排班,或撥打55688-台灣大車隊,火車站開車至活動現場30分鐘車程。
►►► 搭乘接駁巴士:
☞ [ 台北車站-直達活動現場 ] 搭程巴士報名:近期公佈 ~
►►► 自行開車:
☞ 建議使用「導航系統」輸入「 棠春休閒莊園 」的方式導航為最正確。
☞ 從台北市出發,循著國道3號/桃園的路標前進,在「 頭份 」出口-下交流道,朝「 三灣 」前進,順著路走,即到達「棠春休閒莊園」。

►►►地址 Address:
☞ 苗栗縣三灣鄉竹湖15-1號「棠春休閒莊園」
☞ 座標:24.6518544,121.0005265
☞ No.15-1, Zhuhu, Sanwan Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan



►►► How to be there:
☞ A:By "Taiwan High Speed Rail 台灣高鐵"
Get off at "Miaoli Station苗票站" And take the (101A) Bus at the (1) Exit, and then get off at "Zhunan Train Station 竹南火車站" :
(Chose 1) Then take "(5805) Miaoli Bus 苗栗客運" in the opposite of 7-11 to "Shabeiwan Station下北灣站" and get off. Then turn left at ''Dongdingao東頂道'' and walk by 3.3 km to the venue.
(Chose 2) Or Take Taxi to party venue about 30 minute drive.
☞ B:By Taiwan Railway 台鐵火車
Get off at "Zhunan Station竹南站" and exit at East Exit:
(Chose 1) Then take "(5805) Miaoli Bus苗栗客運" in the opposite of 7-11 to "Shabeiwan Station下北灣站" and get off. Then turn left at Dongdingao東頂道 and by walk 3.3 km to the venue.
(Chose 2) Or Take Taxi to party venue about 30 minute drive.
►►► By Party Bus:
☞ [ Taipei Train Station to Miracle] Shuttle Bus submitting from--COMING SOON
►►► Drive by yourself:
☞ We recommend you to enter the GPS coordinates of "棠春休閒莊園" and follow the navigation.
☞ If trip starts from Taipei city, you can follow the road sighn of "National Highway No.3/ Taoyuan桃園" and get off at “ Toufen 頭份” Exit and go “Sanwan 三灣” following the road and drive along the road to the venue.


【【【【【 注意事項 】】】】】

1) 禁止攜帶酒精飲料、水、飲品入場。
2) 本票價含3天2夜露營營位、熱水沖澡、免費停車。
3) 請攜帶身分證件配合票口查驗。
4) 未滿18歲青少年須父母陪同參加。
5) 入場時酒精消毒及體溫檢測,額溫超過37.5度者,謝絕入場,請體諒。
6) 請妥善保管票卷,如遺失、損壞導致無法辨識,一律不予補發。本票卷售出,即不接受退票,付款後代表同意此規則。
7) 車輛依照現場安排停放於停車場。
8) 請多搭乘大眾交通工具,宣導酒後不開車,未成年者請勿飲酒。
9) 若遇豪大雨或不可抗拒之氣候問題影響場地安全性,為顧及參加民眾安全,本活動保有延後活動日期之權力。
10) 如遇颱風天災或嚴重特殊傳染病防治法,則活動順延,無法退票。
11) 現場水池深,請勿戲水,避免發危險。
12) 山區氣候變化大,請攜帶保暖衣物與防蚊液和做好防曬措施。
13) 請愛護環境與大自然和平相處,隨手做好垃圾分類,請勿亂丟煙蒂。
14) 營區內備有乾淨的熱水衛浴設施,使用後保持乾淨,維護公共空間整潔。
15) 配合警方取締違禁物品與危害公眾安全之行為,嚴禁攜帶任何槍械、刀械、棍棒、毒品等物品進入,如經查獲一律送警處理。
16) 嚴禁違法行為及影響其他消費者之權益,本單位有權驅逐於場外,並不得再入場。
17) 大家一起愛地球,響應自備用餐器皿,減少製造垃圾。


【【【【【 Precautions 】】】】】

1) Alcoholic beverages, water, and beverages are not allowed to enter the venue.
2) One ticket includes camping space for 3 days and 2 nights, hot shower, and free parking.
3) Please bring your ID card or passport to check at the ticket gate.
4) Under the age of 18, must be accompanied by their parents.
5) When you enter the venue, will use alcohol to disinfect and check your body temperature. Those with a forehead temperature over 37.5 degrees will not be able to enter the venue. Thank you for your understanding.
6) Please keep the ticket properly. If it's lost or damaged, and can't be identified, it will not be reissued. If the promissory note is sold, refunds will not be accepted. After payment, the representative agrees to this rule.
7) Vehicles are parked in the parking lot according to the on-site arrangement.
8) It is recommended to take more public transportation.
9) In the event of heavy rain or weather problems that affect the safety of the venue, the event date will be postponed.
10) In case of COVID-19 prevention and control law related announcements, the event will be postponed and no refunds will be allowed.
11) The pool on site is deep, please do not splash in the water to avoid danger.
12) The mountainous climate changes greatly, please bring warm clothing, mosquito repellent and sun protection measures.
13) Please take care of the environment, do a good job of sorting garbage, and don't litter cigarette butts.
14) Please keep the hot water sanitary facilities in the camp area clean after use, and keep the public space tidy.
15) It is strictly forbidden to bring in any firearms, knives, sticks, drugs and other items. If found, will be sent to the police for handling.
16) If there is an illegal act that affects others, they will be expelled from the venue and will not be allowed to enter the venue.
17) To protect the environment, please bring your own tableware to reduce waste.





★★★★  網路購票方式  ★★★★

感謝您對 MOON FAIRY PROJECT 廠牌活動的支持。您在網路購票系統成功後,請保留系統發給您的一組QR碼。6/11.12.13 活動當天到現場票口站出示您的專屬QR碼,核對完成後即交付 ''實體票券'' 與 '' 戴上入場手環'' 。謝謝您的支持,祝福順心愉快,期待6月奇蹟~活動見 ☺️


About Online Tickets Booking :

Thank you for your support to MOON FAIRY PROJECT label activities. After you have successfully purchased the online ticket system, please keep a set of QR codes sent to you by the system. 6/11.12.13 On the day of the event, show your exclusive QR code at the ticket gate station on site. After the verification is completed, the ``physical ticket'' and ``put on the admission wristband '' will be delivered. Wish you have a nice journey, looking forward to meet you at Miracle Festival in June ~ see you at the event!!


Love and Light from Moon Fairy Project -------










チケット種別 販売期間 価格
預售-中鳥票 / Presale "Phase 2"

2021/03/07 00:00(+0800) ~ 2021/04/21 00:10(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$2,500
預售-晚鳥票 / Presale "Phase 3"

2021/04/21 00:00(+0800) ~ 2021/06/06 23:59(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$2,700